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How to find the Best solar panel angle or tilt angle


What tilt angle should I install my solar panels in? A question many of us asks when the decision to finally install a solar system in our home is finally made. Naturally you will get the most energy from your photovoltaic solar panels when these are pointed exactly towards the sun. But because the sun moves across the sky and will be higher or lower depending on the time of day an optimal tilt angle needs to be calculated. This is necessary for your panels to be able to catch the most sun during the whole course of the day. The best solar panel angle for you depends on where you live but it also is a matter on what time of year you will be using your solar panels the most.

If you have a summer vacation house for example that u use only during the summer months of the year you would benefit from angling the solar panels in a way that is optimal for exactly the summer months but maybe not as effective for the winter part of the year. The low power output during wintertime won’t bother you because you won’t be spending time in your vacation house during that season anyway. And because of the summer optimized solar panel angle your power production during the summer months will be higher than if you would angle the panels to be mediocrely good the whole year round. In general a steeper slope is preferable during the summer as the sun will be higher in the sky. During winter the sun is lower and to catch more of its light the best solar panel angle would be more tilted. At some places as much as a vertical tilt of the panels is needed to get the maximum output during wintertime.


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